X2CD Music CD Burner

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X2CD Music CD Burner

X2CD Music CD Burner ScreenShot - click to enlarge
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Author: TinySoft Corp
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X2CD Muisc CD Burner is a handy tool for you to make your own music CD with almost all kinds of media files. For example, convert your favorite DVD soundtracks to mp3 files then burn those files to CD.

Supports almost all MMC compliant CDR/CDRW drives.
Normalizing is supported to make the volume of the tracks equal.
Creates a Soundtrack CD directly from a DVD or VCD.
Media Player - supports mp3, divx, wma, avi, ogg and other formats.
Audio Converter - converts almost any kind of media to WAV or MP3 files.
CD Ripper - rip tracks from your Audio CD just by one click.
100% WinXP compatible.
CD Database - manage your CDs with CD album database.
FreeDB support - retrieves the CD information from the Internet.
Creates CD Covers.
Fully flexible skin architecture.

Supported Audio Formats include:
1. MP3 audio files: .mp3, .m3u
2. MPEG 1/2 Audio/Video files: .vob, .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mpa, .mpe, .mp2
3. Divx MPEG4 video files: .avi, .mp4, .divx
4. DVD IFO files: .ifo
5. Dolby AC3 Audio stream files: .vob
6. Windows media files: .asf, .wm, .wma, .wmv, .asx, .wmp, .wmx
7. Ogg Vorbis format files: .ogg, .ogm
8. Other format files: .wav, .au, .snd, .ivf ......

X2CD Music CD Burner burns media files directly to audio CDs. It does not generate a temporary WAV file. Simple and faster!
For non-44.1KHz audio, X2CD automatically uses a high quality resample function to convert it to CD audio format.
On the other hand, X2CD is a cute multimedia player which supports mp3, divx, wma, ogg and other formats.

It's also including a converter to convert almost all kinds of media to wav files or mp3 files for further processing, and including a CD ripper to rip the authentic music from your CD. X2CD supports FreeDB to retrieve the CD information from the Internet for you.

You can save record to or load a previous record from your CD album database.

See more about X2CD Music CD Burner at it homepage...

Download X2CD Music CD Burner
Version: 2.36b 
Size: 2971 Kbytes 
Release Date: 20.06.2003 
License: Shareware
Cost: Free to try, $24.95  to buy.
Cost over: Free to try, $24.95EUR  to buy.
Supported Platforms:

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X2CD Music CD Burner - download page 


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