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SunMetronome is a slick, graphically attractive music utility for music students and professional musicians that includes a metronome, tuner, CD player, recorder and Pocket (MIDI) Piano, all in one. This program's handy features allow you to

  • Play small music themes using keyboard, play many predefined chords, scales, transpose chords, analyze their structure and more with built-in Pocket Piano.
  • Select any beat (range 0-6), set up complex rhythm (such as 2+3, 2+2+3) and use it as a digital metronome.With a round scale and a red hand that can be easily dragged with your mouse to set a metronome rhythm from 0 to 177, this powerful music practice/composition utility is as convenient to use as it is appealing to look at.
  • Select a pitch tone from the menu, or generate a tone of any frequency (range 90-4200 Hz) and use it as a tuner for the music instruments.
  • Hear and see notated versions of polymetric examples for practicing purposes.
  • Listen to your audio CDs with a fully functional built-in CD player, all immediately accessible with a single mouse-click.
  • Record your playing and save it as .wav file for further use.

    See more about SunMetronome at it homepage...

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