Program options description: You can include or exclude the following information: - enumeration - playtime (length in format min:sec) - kbps rate - file size (in kilobytes) - date of file creation or date of file addition to the list - path - volume label - header and footer messages from external files You also have the following options: - search all drives, single path, or multiple paths (useful for browsing multiple cd's) - sorting (alphabetically by filename, on or off; if on, can be internal -may be slow if you have more than several thousand titles- or external -recommended, but requires that you go to options menu and find DOS interpretter and sort.exe, either automatically or manually if automatic search files-) - list appending (add new titles to your existing list) - minimum file size to be included (in kilobytes) - maximum file size to be included (in megabytes) - append spaces to the title, so that the text or plain html list is formatted like a table - include system & hidden files (on or off) - if an invalid (not a valid 32, 44.1 or 48 KHz mp3 file) file with mp3 extension is detected, you may: - always discard it from the list - let the program prompt you if you want to include it to the list - always include it to the list and if you choose to include the file, you may: - omit its time & kbps info - write "?:??, ? kbps" to the list - write "-:--, - kbps" to the list - choose output format: text, html (plain), or html (table)
See more about MP3 List Maker at it homepage...
Version: Size: 239 Kbytes Release Date: License: Shareware Cost: Free to try, $10 to buy. Supported Platforms: