Multimedia Explorer

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Multimedia Explorer

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Open all multimedia files within one application. This programs allows you to openaudio, video and graphic files from one easy to use program. No more need toopen multiple programs to view or listen your favorite files. It will scan a folder with the option to include sub-folders or a hard drive for a specific file type or multiple files types. Features included are a timer that you can set in increments of onesecond to scan your files, a video player where you can watch your video files in sequencewithout having to open each file one at a time, a thumbnail viewer and mp3 player.Supported extensions:Graphics: ico, ani, cur, bmp, jpg, gifAudio: wav, mid, mp3Video: avi, mpg, mov, dat, mpe, mpegOthers: peg, asf, asx, rmi, snd, aif, ifc, iff, m1v, mp2, mpa, m3u, rmiVisit more information.

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