PanHandler for VST

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PanHandler for VST

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Bring your project'ssoundtrack to life with the same surround sound encoding used intheaters and home theater systems. Fly-bys, precise stereo imaging andmix automation are as easy as dragging your "pan point" from one side ofthe PanHandler's window to another! Once you have produced a stereosoundtrack encoded for surround sound with the PanHandler, it can beaccurately played back with any surround sound decoder or receiver. Ifplayed back with normal stereo equipment, the soundtrack will still havea wider sound with excellent imaging. The PanHandler VST is a plug-inmade for Steinberg Jones Cubase VST. The PanHandler for VST does NOTmaintain it's own automation data but rather it relies on the VSTautomation. Currently only Cubase VST has automation for plug-ins. Thismeans that the PanHandler can only be used as a surround soundpositioner (sound placement - No panning) in Wave Lab and SAWPro.System Requirements: Pentium 200 MMX or greater We recommend a minimumof 64 Mb memory 65k color VGA video 1024X768 resolution Surround sounddecoder/receiver The best audio cable you can find.

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