Home :: Plug-InsPages: < 1 > 2 3 4 5 FASoft ParEQ is a DirectX plug-in that lets users equalize mono and stereo wave files tracks from within audio applications that support the DirectX plug-in architecture. Using this plug-in you can modify the sound of a wave file boosting selected bands of frequencies, eliminating others, creating in this way new sounds or enhancing the quality of bad recordings, such as those made thorough a non-excellent microphone.more about program >>> Download Now Buy Now
License: Shareware Author: Fasoft FASoft Compressor is a Compressor/Expander/Noise gate DirectX plug-in that works on mono and stereo audio data from within audio applications that support the DirectX plug-in architecture. Using this plug-in you can "shape" the sound of wave files attenuating loud parts while boosting quieter ones, enhancing the sound of the recordings of your instruments or vocals.more about program >>> Download Now Buy Now
License: Shareware Author: Fasoft Vox FX is a set of 6 audio plugins based on the manipulation of formants. They are well suited for musicians, who make music, which involves heavy processing of sounds, such as techno, trance, ambient, industrial etc. Its a set of more or less crazy filters, which can make your audio sound like ... well just try the trial version or listen to the MP3s on the MHC web page http://www.mhc.se/software/plugins/ and you will realize.more about program >>> Download Now
License: Shareware Author: MHC The Space Synth is a polyphonic VST instrument plugin, with an ambient sound. It is suitable for ambient music, space music, ambient techno and electronic music in general. The plugin has a unique sound, which makes it very suitable for the musician who needs a fresh new sounding addition to his/her arsenal of plugins and synthesizers.more about program >>> Download Now
License: Shareware Author: MHC
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License: Shareware Author: Big Tick The Flex FX VST plugin package contains 6 different effect plugins, the Amplitude Modulator, the Chaotic Lowpass Filter, the Chaotic Highpass Filter, the Ensemble effect, the Stereo Feedback Delay and the Fat Resonator.more about program >>> Download Now
License: Shareware Author: MHC
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License: Shareware Author: Big Tick The Meter Bridge contains PEAK Style meters for monitoring any or all channels in SAW. You can select either STEREO or MONO mode, where MONO mode shows only one meter and takes much less room on the desktop.
The SE Meter Bridge is a Peak Type meter bridge for SAW. It displays the current loudness in "dB" of each stereo channel in the multi-track. You can select either STEREO or MONO mode, where MONO mode shows only one meter and takes much less room on the desktop. It allows you to NAME a track for easier identification. There are two viewing scales, Linear and Logarithmic. You can select from three "Peak and Hold" options, SHORT, LONG, and INFINITE. The Meters will hold the latest peak amplitiude and then decay down to -inf dB. Also a Hard Clip option which will stop any overs from occurring. If you are using SAWPro then it can display digital overs above 0 dB. You can use the Peak value displayed here as a guide to either reduce or increase the track's amplitude. Also a "RESET ON RE-CUE" option which will reset the meter to -infinity. You can reset the meters by clicking the dB read out above the meters. The Aux Send Return plug-in is a plug-in which allows you to send audio from one track and return on another track. This is very similar to what is found on most analog mixers. One of the advantages for the Aux Send plug-in is you can use a single Reverb for more than one track. This greatly reduces the CPU load. Use can also use it for virtual mixing (amplitude only).
Features Include:
There are four Aux Send and Return channels. Each Aux Send-Return channel being marked by a different color. The plug-in allows you to view the tracks which are being used on each Send Channel The plug-in also allows you to change return tracks without having to go to that particular track. You can also turn on HARD CLIPPING to stop any digital overs from occurring. The Stereo Pan plug-in allows you to pan (position) both the left and right channels independently of one another. It works well for drum files where the kick drum is on the left and the snare is one the right. With the Stereo Pan plug-in you can for instance position the kick in the center and the snare midway between the left-center position.
Features Include:
Volume Sliders for each channel (LEFT and RIGHT). You have control over the amplitude of a single channel as will as the ability to GANG both channels together. Pan Sliders for each channel (LEFT and RIGHT). You can position of each channel independently (ganged, or mirrored) within the stereo field. Mute either the left or right channel. Invert the Polarity of either or both channels. There are two Panning Curves to choose from, Constant Power and Linear. The default is constant power (sin/cos) law. Hard Clip Enable - When the Hard Clip button is enabled, the plug-in will stop digital overs from occurring. The Stereo/Mono Pre/Mono Post There are three modes upon which the Stereo Pan can operate. The Stereo mode allows the audio to be processed as a normal stereo file. While in Mono Pre mode, the left and right channels will be summed before they are processed by the plug-in. The Mono Post mode, means that both the left and right channels are processed by the plug-in before they are summed together. For Dolby Pro-Logic users, you can also position sound to the surrounds by first summing to mono and inverting one of the stereo channels. This will sum the stereo file to two mono files (PreProcess) and then Invert the selected stereo channel. The BigTime plug-in is used to display the current SMPTE time code in large friendly numbers. If you are unable to be close enough to see SAW's SMPTE time code then this plugin is for you
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The Auto Surround Panner is a specialize Auto Panner DirectX plug-in. This plug-in allows you to automatically pan from LEFT to RIGHT and/or FRONT to SURROUND. The surround encoder does not do all the necessary processing for high end surround encoding, but should be more than adequate for use as an effect. This plug-in really shines on guitars with delays or on any backing instrument or vocals.
Because of the nature of LCRS Matrix surround anything sent to exclusively to the surrounds will be 180 degrees out of phase. This means if you are using a Satellite/Sub Woofer for monitoring you will hear the low end (150Hz and below) drop out when the sound is coming from the surrounds only. You can use the CENTER control which will move the center panning point more towards the front speakers. You can also keep the width to 0.75 or below. That way the low end won't disappear completely.
There are controls for SPEED-FREQUENCY, HOLD TIME, CENTER, WIDTH, and SURROUND VOLUME. There are also two panning curves which are SIN and TRIANGLE, selectable Starting Positions as well as Speed Multipliers With this plug-in you can pan from left to right as well as from front to surrounds.
This plug-in requires DirectXMedia 7 or later to operate correctly.
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If your soundtrack sounds dull, spice it up with the Ambience Extractor. Enhances the stereo imaging of mono or stereo sound, making it feel open, alive, and spacious. Consists of five tools: Maxx Stereo, Ambience Extractor, Mono-to-Stereo Converter, Stereo-to-Mono Converter, and Center Channel Remover (very effective for removing vocals from a music track).
The plug-in only works with Adobe Premiere v4.2 no other versions are supported. more about program >>> Buy Now
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