BPS CD Ripper and Grabber

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BPS CD Ripper and Grabber

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The perfect tool for converting your audio-CDs collection to WMA, OGG, MP3 and WAV PCM. Fast direct conversion with jitter correction feature combined with handy interface gives you this must have tool. Extract audio tracks from CDs or DVDs to WAV (CD to WAV), OGG Vorbis (CD to OGG Vorbis), MP3 (CD to MP3) and Windows Media Audio (WMA) (CD to WMA) with this powerful CD Ripper. CD Ripper is a fast and easy to use program for recording digital audio tracks directly from compact discs without going through your sound card (this process is known as "ripping"). This digital recording process enables you to make high-quality copies of the original music. Features Direct conversion with fast encoding engine, ripping audio tracks from CDs or DVDs to MP3's, WAV, or OGG Vorbis on-the-fly, Jitter Correction. Support for Multiple Data Rates, File Verification, and Variable Bit Rate Encoding - These features makes the process of conversion SAFER and FASTER. The CD Ripper's easy interface allows you to convert tracks of your audio-CDs or audio-DVDs to your most favorite digital audio format with almost one click. CD Ripper can make direct digital copies from audio CDs or DVDs and saves them as files on your hard disk to the most popular compressed audio formats such as WAV PCM, MP3 (MPEG Layer-3), WMA (Windows Media Audio), Ogg Vorbis files with settings (from 8000 to 48000Hz, up to 192kbps).CD Ripper also supports more than one CD-ROM or DVD drive per computer.

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Tool for converting between most popular audio formats: WAV, MP3, WMA and OGG.

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