CDecoder - Shareware Edition

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CDecoder - Shareware Edition

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CDecoder is a CD extractor, MP3 Decoder and Playlist UtilityExtract an entire CD to WAV format at the click of a button. Or select tracks, one or as many as you want, and click "Start". Then watch the progress window as the program extracts each track to WAV format, and neatly collects them in a Destination directory of your choice.Choose Mono or Stereo WAV output.Search your hard drive for MP3 files, then select all or some for decoding, and decode them to WAV format, ready to burn onto a CD.Using a built-in Playlist Editor, you can add, remove, or rename any MP3 file.View complete header information on each MP3 file.Use the tag editor to add your own information and comments to each fileHTML based help file graphically walks you through the steps.Platform: Win95, Win98 (no support is available for other platforms)FileSize: 2,451,816 bytes (2.4 MB)Registration Fee: $14.00 (US)Registration Status: SharewareEval Period:30 days/30 trialsApplication Home Page: www.woltec.comApplication Location:

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