Multi-purpose music composing/editing software. Do not need any extra music device. An easy-to-use editor enables you to place and move notes score, in page-like mode. Computes music chord grid and harmonizes automatically music patterns (arranger). Manages drum pattern array to ease adding drums to your piece. Processes all the break and effect symbols and uses them while playing the music. Includes a built-in softsynth & digital effect processor (Wah, Overdrive, Flanger, Reverb...). You can record your own digital tracks and mix them with regular staves (MP3, AIFF, WAV import & export). Real-time MIDI input. Calculates tablatures for any fretted instrument (Guitar, Bass, Banjo, Lute...), harmonica or accordion. You can associate lyrics to a tune, and let the music play in Karaoke (multi-voices) mode. A jukebox is integrated (playlist). The downloadable archive includes Virtual Singer (shareware), which makes your computer sing ! Multi-lingual : English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. And much more. ..
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